Responsible approach to humans, natural resources and environment

aconnic believes in a sustainable business management. We take social responsibility and environmental protection seriously. We certify our environmental management system in regular audit procedures by the German technical inspectorate DEKRA and Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems SQS.

We offer safe products

The product safety is determined by the quality, by ecological friendliness, functional safety and equipment reliability. We ensure a strict compliance with our client’s safety-relevant requirements and applicable legal stipulations. The products, methods and materials applied are subject to the laws of Germany, the European Union and the country of destination

We strongly condemn conflict minerals

We buy products exclusively from renowned manufacturers. We encourage suppliers not to use conflict minerals by requesting proofs with respect to the traceability and transparency of their products and selecting unobjectionable partners.

We stimulate the substitution of critical substances by harmless alternatives

We are in constant contact with our suppliers regarding the identification of potential critical substances and their substitution by harmless alternatives according to the REACH regulation by the European Union.

We help to reduce CO2-emissions by recycling

Recycling is crucial for the reduction of greenhouse gases and contributes a lot to protect our climate on earth. Through participation in the dual system for the recycling of retail packaging in 2021, aconnic helped to save approximately the CO2-emissions filtered from the air by 5350 m2 forest in one year.